About Me

My photo
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
I love to craft. I've been crafting in one form or another all my life and never tire of learning new skills or updating old ones. I learn something new everyday and can never find enough free hours in my day to do all the things I'd like to. I'm new to Blogging but hope to get better at it as we go along............any hints or tips would be most welcome.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

28th Dec......................

Well after what seemed like an age yesterday, I finally managed to get a couple of film strips on to my You tube site.............. relief! 
 "TheBlackbutterfly62" or Julie Ann Farmer Howlett
If I do anything this year its going to be get more in the know about this cyber world we now all live in. 

Happy Crafting  :O)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christmas Day..........................

Hope everyone has had a beautiful Christmas Day, and you had all the people in your life that make it a happy occasion.
Wishing you a fun filled New Years Eve and a very very happy/healthy 2012 x

Monday, 12 December 2011

Craft Fayre Went Well

Hi All

 Did my first real Craft Fayre on Saturday of last week. It seemed to go well, I have to admit all the lovely compliments have encouraged me greatly. Now its time to concentrate on getting decorated and sorted out around the house for Christmas. Lots to catch up with as I have given lots of time to getting everything made for the fayre. Looks like the next one will be around Easter. Unless I hear of any others locally before.

I have seen some very inspiring videos on You Tube of late. My old heads a whirl with ideas I want to get started on. Must remember to finish some of the projects I have already started first.

Will add some pictures of my stall later today I hope. all still a bit unsure of how to work my way around this blogging at the moment. But Hey-Ho I'll get there.

catch ya later :O)

Pictures of My Stall

Sorry about picture quality, I forgot to take my camera and my phone has no flash :O)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

First Blog................... Hi I'm JuliAnn

This is very new to me, but I am going to give it a go....

Slowly over time I hope to be able to share my craft ideas and pictures, I've seen many very talented crafters on the Internet lately. Much as I don't lay claim to being up to their standards, I do enjoy my crafting world very much indeed and as we all have to start somewhere, why not here. So if your into paper crafting, painting, textiles, online scrapbooking or for that matter any craft, I'd love to see your site.  

At the moment I am very much into the Victorian period, love it. It can be so dark and mysterious.